Wed/Thurs 09.30/10.01
(Block L is testing)
1. Update your Table of Contents
2. QAR (Question Answer Relationship)
3. Practice QAR
4. Conclusions!
HW: Entire rough draft of essay due Mon/Tues!!!
(Block L is testing)
(Block M is testing)
Let's talk about creating images!
Outlines due today!
1. Independent Reading
1. Making Connections. Take notes from PDF.
1. Independent Reading
1. Talking to the Text. Read Eisenhower speech. Highlight parts of speech where he talks about the importance of the law in America.
2. The Law and Me. Complete the attached document.
3. HW: The Power of the Law. See attached document.
Today we begin Independent Reading! Hooray!
1. Set up Table of Contents in Notebook
Understand Independent Reading expectations.
Watch "Merchants of Cool".