Friday, March 5, 2010

Thurs/Fri 03.04/03.05

1. Book Talks
2. Read Night pgs 57 - 65

5th + 6th periods
3. Elie Wiesel on Oprah
4. Reflective Writing: Act of Violence
Describe a time you were either victim of an act of violence or witness to an act of violence. Use imagery to describe the experience, the surroundings, and the people involved. What caused it? How did it impact you?

1 page minimum


1. Book Talks
2. The Endless Night


Mon/Tues 03.1/03.2

1. Independent Reading
2. Book Talks
3. Read Night pgs 47 - 57
4. Interior Monologue (see attached)
Take notes and complete assignment.

HW: A Memory with Interior Monologue

Monday, March 1, 2010

Mon/Tues 2.22/2.23

1. Independent Reading

2. Reader Response – Character Analysis
Choose one character from your book to analyze. Make inferences about his/her personality traits and use evidence from the text to support your opinion.
One paragraph
12 year old Elie Wiesel is very caring because he refused to leave his parents, which could have saved himself.

3. Read Night pgs 29 – 34

4. Auschwitz photos