Friday, December 11, 2009

Thurs 12.10/11

1. Do Now: VOCAB

(9) Intermittent (adj) - Stopping for a time; alternately stopping and beginning again.

My back pain was intermittent; it only hurt when I rode the BART.

(10) Regress (v) – (1) To move backward; go back. (2) To revert to an earlier or less advanced state or form.
When students throw paper at each other, they are regressing back to second grade.

2. CAHSEE Prep with "The Pedestrian" by Ray Bradbury

3. Work Period
You need to have your thesis statement approved by me today. Once approved, you will receive the outline handout.

HW: Outline due next Wed/Thurs

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wed. 12.9

1. Do Now: Vocab
(8.) Ebb – (n) or (v) 1. The flowing back of the tide as the water returns to the sea. 2. Decline or decay.
(N): Due to the recession, some people think we are watching the ebb of the United States.
(V): His confidence ebbed as the girl made fun of him.

2. Quick review of thesis statements. Handout from earlier in the year is attached below.

My thesis examples for the symbolism of fire:

A. (Okay) In Fahrenheit 451, the symbolism of fire evolves from destruction to creation to finally purification.

B. (Better) While fire first symbolized destruction and ignorance in Fahrenheit 451, it then evolves to symbolize both comfort and rebirth.

C. (Best) The symbolism of fire in Fahrenheit 451 changes throughout the book; initially it represents the downfall of society but ultimately becomes a symbol of society’s rebirth.

3. Work Period

HW: Three possible thesis statements due Thurs/Fri!!


Tuesday, December 8, 2009


1. Independent Reading
2. Reader Response – Making Predictions

What do you think is going to happen in your book the next time you read? Make specific predictions about what you think will happen next. You must use evidence from today’s reading to support your opinion.

In my reading today, Montag met the intellectual hobos in the woods. I predict that Montag is going to start remembering parts from the Bible as he learns to how better use his memory. The evidence I have for this is when Granger says that everyone has a photographic memory and that we just need to relearn how to make use of it. Therefore I think Montag will slowly start remembering lines from the Book of Ecclesiastes, which he will then use to comfort himself and the others.

2. Vocab
(7.) Paradox (n): (1): A statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true
(2): One (as a person, situation, or action) having seemingly contradictory qualities
Captain Beatty is a paradox because while he is in charge of burning books in Fahrenheit 451, he is also a very well read individual.

3. Finish 451!

4. Handout final essay project

5. HW: Due Wednesday, 12/9
Essay Brainstorm – You need to pick your essay prompt and have a brainstorm of at least three ideas for this prompt.


Sunday, December 6, 2009


1. Do Now: CAHSEE Prep Questions for 451


(4.) Incite 152 (v) - To stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action
The Oscar Grant killing incited people to protest the actions of the police.

(5.) Pedant 153 (n) – 1. A person who makes an excessive or inappropriate display of learning. 2. A person who overemphasizes rules or minor details.
My college professor was a pedant; if you were not paying attention for even a second he would criticize you.

(6.) Squander 158 (v) - 1. To spend or use (money, time, etc.) extravagantly or wastefully (often followed by “away”).
2. To scatter
I squandered away Sunday afternoon on the couch watching reality TV.

3. Read aloud to page 155

4. Reader Response – 451 and Today
Bradbury wrote Fahrenheit 451 in 1953. How much of what he wrote has become true? Make connections to some of the things he wrote in the book to society today. ½ page.




2. Luminous 133 (adj) –
1. Shining, bright, lighted up
2. Brilliant intellectually
After twelve hours of sleep, she had a luminous glow on her face.

3. Oblivion 134 (n) - the state of being completely forgotten or unknown
Once a famous actor, he was now in oblivion, where not even his biggest fans would recognize him.

Read aloud pages 130-139