Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thurs/Fri 02.04/02.05

1. Do Now: Vocab
(6) Elusive (adj) – a. hard to express or define
b. tending to evade grasp or pursuit
I could not figure out how to express my feelings for him; my words were elusive.

(7) Superfluous (adj) –a. being more than is required; excessive
b. unnecessary or needless.
Some say our appendix is a superfluous organ because it is not needed to survive.

(8) Morbid (adj) – a. suggesting an unhealthy mental state or attitude
b. gruesome
Erik has a morbid fascination with dead people; he is always going to funerals to see one.

2. In your NB, title a new page: Unit 3 Central Questions, and write down the following:
What is my universe of obligation?
What is the relationship between our stories and our identity?
To what extent are we witnesses of history and messengers to humanity?

3. Read the preface to Night and as you are reading to the following:
a. Circle new vocabulary words
b. Highlight lines and passages that respond in any way to the central questions (we will be using these for an activity later)

4. After reading, choose 2 - 3 lines and passages and write them on a post-it note. Post it around the central question on a wall in my room.

HW: Try to answer the central questions as best you can.


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